45岁 浙江杭州 未婚 179CM
36岁 浙江杭州 未婚 175CM
37岁 浙江杭州 未婚 170CM
内心独白: 一个人走过来有时会觉得比较孤单,特别是每当有让人兴奋的事可身边却没有一个你想跟她分享一辈子的人,彼时你会觉得更加惆怅。简单介绍下自己:喜欢体育运动,性格有点内敛,不懂得如何搭讪,尤其对陌生人更是带点冷,不过要是我爱上一个人,我会慢慢的爱到骨子里去不会让任何人来伤害她,因为连我都舍不得去伤害的人别人更没资格,我相信日久会生情而且是愈浓。总之是朋友呢那一切都将是美好的,最近在看《婚姻保卫战》(可能我有点out了)不过感触颇多,综合起来呢本人大概有着陆涛的"拼劲"许小宁的“睿智”和老常的“小气”当然缺点也比比皆是,不过人是不断成长跟变化的,这跟你以后的改造功力也有着千丝万缕的关系哦,家庭的和谐对我来说是重中之重那是我在外面拼搏的核动力,人生匆匆数十载目前的看法是:事业稳中带升 生活开开心心 身体健健康康 感情恩恩爱爱 就这样了OK 让我们结婚吧!
现状: 毕业四年,每天埋头于一行相当费脑力的设计工作....
45岁 浙江杭州 未婚 176CM
内心独白:Hello, my friend! Nice to meet you!
a lovely, attractive boy , who always looks forwards to dreaming all kinds of drams, desires to make friends with you sincarely!
I study chemistry ,and have been working in a fabric product testing laboratory , dealing with analytical chemistry. but I think I prefer to writing something more than my specialty , and being fond of practice in that fields .also, I have been encountering difficulties in my life, but I am sure that I can overcome all of that by myself, and one day realize my dream. because I believed in “ no pains, no gains!” all the time.
After university education, I had touching with the worlds out of the campus , There came my achievement and my losses. However, I had given up what I have gained, just for more in my bright future.
I am a very good boy,having too many of excellence in many aspects. Aways, my life is happy and sunny, but sometimes I find it was lonely, I have thought of that for many times,but there was nothing except the bashfulness.I think maybe I havd got in lost in that, that is why I have not being a boyfriend for noever.
so I want to make many good friends. Of course, maybe I am not your expecting Mr Right ,but I think I shall do what I can to conform with your wish.
you are welcome! Thank you for your time in this profile. And I wish we are good friends sincarely, forever and ever! And good luck to you!
30岁 浙江杭州 未婚 170CM